Perhaps not so new news, but welcome nonetheless. The Hobbit will be coming to the big-screen in December, 2012. The trailer shows the same attention to detail and exciting elements that characterized The Lord of the Rings movies, so it’s something I’m certainly looking forward to. I can still remember my friends Tim and Greg talking about Tolkien’s stories in class when we were in High School. At the time I was much taken with Science Fiction, and had read many great stories, but I had never ventured into the Fantasy realm. Their talk of goblins and wizards seemed exceedingly strange to me, so I never paid much attention. Then one weekend when shopping at our local department store, Tim took me to the book section and essentially wouldn’t let me leave until I had bought all four books: The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and…
Author: quantumfog
GPS Tracking
I recently downloaded an app on my Android phone that logs GPS coordinates as I’m traveling. I was a bit unsure how well it would work, but a few test drives proved that it’s quite capable, at least in areas where cell phone coverage is good. I live in the Phoenix, Arizona area, and go hiking in South Mountain Park quite often. Since the park is just south of the metro area, and one of the mountains is peppered with cell phone towers, coverage is very good there. So I gave the phone a try, tracking my progress around a two and a half mile hike over relatively easy terrain. I then exported the data from the web-site where it is stored, converted it to KML format so that Google Earth could read it in, and plotted my path. The screenshot below shows the track I took, the elevation that…
Pulp Fiction Lives On
I must have read the John Carter Martian series back when I was in high school, or maybe junior high, and even then they were old. Now Disney is releasing a movie of one of the stories, complete with the four-armed Tars Tarkas and lovely Dejah Thoris. When I first saw the trailer on television a week or so ago, I was taken by the coolness of the special effects, but didn’t make the connection with Edgar Rice Burroughs‘ characters until near the end. I must admit I’m loving the ability of Hollywood to go back to classic science fiction novels, and armed with an array of CGI technologies, bring even the most unusual characters and settings to life. And with a dozen or so titles in the Martian series, if this first one does well, perhaps we’ll see more of the next world out in our solar system from…