It was through Mary, Queen of Heaven, that the seed of salvation was sown. Her fiat ensured that the Christ could enter into our world as a tiny child, destined to bring us back into right relation with God.
Author: quantumfog
OTfM Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus said he came to light a fire upon the earth. I should be afire with love of Christ, and when I encounter others, they should not only see the fire, but they should recognize the invitation Jesus offers everyone to share in His good news, the gospel of salvation. In this way, the fire of Christ will spread throughout my neighborhood and the whole world.
OTfM Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the letter to the Hebrews, “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” I have always struggled with my faith: how to find it, what to do to strengthen it, how to not lose it. Faith is a gift from God, but it also demands action. Like Abraham leaving his home for a foreign land, I must not just stand idly, waiting for God to strike me with a lightning bolt of faith. It is only through daily effort that my journey toward true faith can occur.